我很苦恼英语日记 下雨了,到放学了,可怜我没雨伞,悲哀啊!It's raining. It's time for school. Sorry I don't have an umbrella. It's sad!过了半天,爸爸居然失职了,有车居然...
英语日记作文400字集锦8篇 一天即将完结,相信大家这一天里都收获颇丰吧,因此我们要写好日记了。但是却发现不知道该写些什么,以下是小编整理的英语日记作文400字8篇,欢迎大家...
看医生的英语日记 Today,mom and dad are not at home,I feel uncomfortable,cough,runny nose,I think I have a cold.I think I grow up now you should go to see a d...
捉鱼记英语日记带翻译 今天日记一班传来了阵阵欢笑声,原来是同学们举行一场捉鱼比赛呢!Today, there are lots of laughter in class one of diary. It turns out that th...
暴风哥哥逛人间英语日记带翻译 暴风哥哥常常听春风姐姐人间的生活多姿多彩,就十分希望去到人间看一看。有一天,暴风哥哥去到了人间。他看到了一个舒服的凉亭,就去那里坐下来...
水痘英语日记带翻译 4月18日我出水痘了。I had chicken pox on April 18.我伤心地哭了。因为没有了老师讲课的声音,也没有了同学的笑声,更没有了校园的欢乐。实在是太孤单...
日记英语范文 Saturday,April 16 SunnyToday my friends and I went to the Sand Lake.We arrived at the Sand Lake nine o'clock in the morning.We did a lot of thin...
水立方游泳英语日记带翻译 在这个暑假,我来到了水立方游泳。我和弟弟还有爸爸换好了衣服,便在泳池上做了做热身运动。随后弟弟便跳进了水中。我随即也跳了下去。这时弟弟向...
在学校铲雪的英语日记带翻译 Down the night of snow, the next morning the snow stopped, everywhere is white, a thin layer of ice on the ground. In order to mak...
光棍节英语日记 The origin of singles day there are a number of views, the received a is said it originated in the 1990 s of nanjing university campus cultura...
关于英语的日记 关于英语的日记1星期六,我去学英语。一到教室,我看见许多同学正在津津有味地读英语,我也和她们一起读。不知不觉老师来了,我有精神地坐在那儿。等待老师的点...
怎么写好英语日记 日记是用来记叙自己一天生活中所看到、遇到、想到和做过的事情,特别是那些具有教育意义或值得回忆、查阅或参考的事情,也可以用来抒发自己当天对某些事件...
关于冬至的英语日记 If you ask me what my most like the holiday I will not hesitate to tell you, I like the winter solstice, because winter solstice can rub d...
包馄饨英语日记 今天中午,我正在看书,突然听见妈妈喊我,”徐钼涵,奶奶要包馄饨了。“于是,我急急忙忙跑过去包馄饨。At noon today, I was reading a book when I heard my mo...
关于写我的新同学英语日记范文带翻译 我们班来了一名新同学。There is a new classmate in our class.他的个子比我高,身穿红马夹黄衬衣,也许是穿这套衣服的原因,所以给人的...