一到动物园,我们特别高兴,我也像其他的小记者们一样拿着照相机照了起来。不管是老虎、骆驼、狮子等大型动物,还是鹦鹉、珍珠鸟等小型动物,我一律拍了下来。可是北极狐却不给我脸看,只给 我屁股看,我“怒火中烧”,决心一定要把它的脸“猎杀”在我的相机之中。我耐心地等待在北极狐的旁边,一动都不敢动,趁它刚一转脸,我就扣动“扳机”将它“猎杀”在我的相机里。看着我的佳 作,真是太高兴了。
就这样,走走停停,我们来到猴山,“咔”、“咔”、“咔”把猴子们照了个遍。这时,远处传来音乐声,我们赶紧跑了过去。哦!原来前面是杂技院。可惜,让我们失望的是里面没有杂技表演,只有 音乐。我们在那里休息了一下。我环顾四周,“咦,怎么这么少的人啊!”我正纳闷,带队的范记者招呼我们说:“大家快排好队伍。我们要出去了。”我们出去之后,才发现原来“大部队”在外面呢 !我听同学说他们去另外一个地方玩去了。可惜啊,我掉队了。
Today, our little reporters came to the ……此处隐藏2824个字……走,到了熊山,那些熊还朝着我们“挥手”呢!
One day, our whole class went to the autumn tour. In the car to the zoo, the teacher told us that this autumn tour is to the zoo.
Arrived at the zoo, got out of the car, the teacher led us into the zoo. In the zoo, everyone saw a group of small fish. How beautiful the little fish! Some small fish also sucked on the glass.
Teacher led us again and walked to Xiongshan, the bears still waved towards us!
We continue to move forward, and when we reach the elephant, we see the elephant sucking water!
After watching the animals, we sat on the ground and ate something. When we got home, we left the zoo reluctantly.