今天,离别画画这个课外娱乐已经有好长时间的我,终于在今天又抽出休闲时间来画画,上了初中后第一次拿起画笔的我不免有些生疏,毕竟这么长时间没接触画画了,先开始,我画的'线条疙疙瘩瘩,像一条心率线,我只好擦了一次又一次,后来,我画的线条终于恢复了多年前那个获得过“画画优秀少年”的杰作的模样,我十分开心,过了好长一阵子,我终于把一幅画画好了,虽然没以前的好看,但是心里还挺美滋滋的,我小心翼翼的将这幅画放在了我的画集里。 通过这件事我明白了,“三日不弹,手生荆棘”,意思是说:一停止练习,技艺就会生疏。
Today, I have been away from painting for a long time, and finally I have taken the leisure time to draw today. I picked up the brush for the first time after I was in junior high school. After all, I haven't touched painting for such a long time. First of all, the lines I drew were like a heart rate line, so I had to rub them again and again. Later, the lines I drew were finally strange I was very happy to restore the appearance of the masterpiece that had won the "excellent young painter" many years ago. After a long time, I finally finished painting a picture. Although it was not as beautiful as before, it was pretty in my heart. I carefully put this picture in my painting collection. I've learned from this, "three days without playing, there are thorns in hand", which means that once you stop practicing, your skills will be unfamiliar.