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时间:2022-12-31 06:09:09


帮助是中华民族的传统美德。你帮助我,我帮助你,相互帮助,就产生了友谊。 妈妈特别喜欢逛商场。其实我并不喜欢去那里,可是橱柜里的玩具总是诱惑着我跟随的步伐,不可阻挡。今天,我们已经花费了大半天,逛呀逛呀,实在太累了,央求独自休息一会。1个小时过去了,仍不见妈妈的身影。想着想着,我越发地担心、害怕、恐惧,不由自主地大哭起来。我的哭声引起很多人注意,有些顾客围过来。“你知道你妈妈的.电话吗?”一个拿着手机阿姨说。我心想:打电话?这倒是一个好主意!我便转忧为喜地告诉了她。一会儿,妈妈那熟悉的声音从远处传来。 至今,那位阿姨热心的帮助仍留在我脑海中,每每想起都令人感到温暖。如果社会上多一些相互间的关爱,我们的生活定会充满灿烂的阳光。我想这就是帮助的真谛。

Help is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. You help me, I help you, help each other, and friendship comes into being. Mom likes shopping very much. In fact, I don't like to go there, but the toys in the cupboard always tempt me to follow the pace, unstoppable. Today, we have spent most of the day, strolling and strolling, it's too tired, begging to have a rest alone. After an hour, I still can't see my mother. Thinking about it, I was more and more worried, scared, scared, and cried involuntarily. My crying attracted a lot of people's attention. Some customers came around. "Do you know your mother's phone?" said an aunt with a mobile phone. I thought to myself: call? That's a good idea! I told her happily instead of worrying. After a while, mother's familiar voice came from afar. To this day, my aunt's warm help is still in my mind, which makes me feel warm. If there is more mutual love in the society, our life will be full of brilliant sunshine. I think that's what help is all about.

