Cloudy Sunday, January 31
This morning an old woman came to our house to eat noodles. She is a mute. There are still some sounds in the mouth when making gestures.
爸爸就在后面学,很好笑。可那位老奶奶忙活了半天,我们还是没搞清楚吃什么面。后来伴随她而来的另一位老奶奶把她想说的'话翻译了出来。妈妈便去下面条,可是那位老奶奶又开始“唠叨”了,原来是要喝水。好不容易把这位老奶奶“伺候”走了。突然她又回来要一次性打包盒,爸爸对那位老奶奶说:“这个打包盒就送你了。”那位老奶奶忙着用手摆出“thank you”的手势。
It's funny that dad is learning from behind. But the old lady worked for a long time, we still didn't know what to eat. Later, another grandmother who accompanied her translated what she wanted to say. Mom went to the following, but the old lady began to "nag" again, it was to drink water. It was not easy to "serve" the old lady away. Suddenly she came back to ask for a disposable packing box. Dad said to the old woman, "this packing box will give you." The old granny was busy gesturing "thank you" with her hand.