今天,我帮妈妈扫地,妈妈说:“你真是个乖孩子。”我说:“这是我力所能及的事呀。”妈妈听了我的话,心里别提有多高兴了。因为我帮妈妈扫地,所以妈妈会表扬我的。我的'心也很高兴,因 为我帮妈妈做了很多我应该做的事情的。
Today, I helped my mother sweep the floor. My mother said, "you are such a good boy." I said, "this is what I can do." Mother listened to my words, don't mention how happy she was. Because I help my mother sweep the floor, so my mother will praise me. My heart is also very happy, because I help my mother do a lot of things I should do.